Exploring Vitamin D and Your Health | EPiK Smiles


1/28/20243 min read

What is Vitamin D ? We get vitamin D from food and hormones. This vitamin has long been known to help the body absorb and retain calcium and phosphorus, which make bone.Vitamin D also reduces cancer cell development, infections, and inflammation . Vitamin D receptors are found in many organs and tissues, suggesting roles beyond bone health. Vitamin D is created by the body when the skin is exposed to sunlight. Natural sources include certain fish, cod liver oil, oils, and egg yolks, as well as fortified dairy and grain products.

So What’s The Big Deal About Vitamin D ? Vitamin D is an important part of a healthy diet. It helps your body take in calcium, which is an important part of making strong bones. Vitamin D, along with calcium, helps keep you from getting osteoporosis, a disease that makes bones weaker and more likely to break.

What Happens If I don’t Get vitamin D ? There are many issues with not having Vitamin D. Besides having weak and brittle bones, a person with vitamin D deficiency has an increased risk of having many health issues such as: Muscle weakness Cramps , Bone Weakness , Exhaustion , Depression , Hair Loss , Getting Sick Easily (Your body Can’t Fight Infections) , Pale Skin . Low Vitamin D levels have been linked to diseases like: Diabetes , Multiple sclerosis . Heart disease , High Blood pressure , Stroke

I’m Dark Skin, I Don’t Have to Worry . Well do I have news for you! As a dark skin person I always thought my body must have plenty of Vitamin D. So you can imagine my shock when the doctor informed me that my vitamin D levels were extremely low! Dark Skin And Vitamin D , The number of dark-skinned people who don't get enough vitamin D goes up to 70%. People with darker skin have more pigment, which keeps them from getting enough vitamin D from the sun . It is therefore extremely important for people of dark skin to be aware if they have a vitamin D deficiency and to take steps to ensure they are getting vitamin D.

So how can i increase my vitamin d intake? It is important to have good sources of calcium and vitamin D in your diet and by getting sunlight. But if you live in places with little to no sunlight you can take a dietary supplement and have a great diet. Dietary sources of vitamin D include: Sardines , Mackerel , Salmon , Cod liver oil , Tuna fish , Orange juice fortified with vitamin D . Dairy and plant milks fortified with vitamin D . Beef liver . Egg yolk

Do You Have A Vitamin D Deficiency?

sliced orange fruit on black background
sliced orange fruit on black background
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